By making a booking for a tour with Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours I, the participant, confirm that I fully understand and accept that:
I have provided accurate information to Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours about my motorcycle riding experience and ability, and I have confirmed that I am competent enough motorcyclist to participate in my chosen tour.
I am adequately fit, physically capable and have no medical condition which would affect my participation in said tour.
I am required to follow all reasonable instructions from Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours, it’s tour leader, employees and agents. I understand that if I fail to comply with these instructions, Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours reserves the right to suspend my involvement in the tour and that I shall not be entitled to any refunds I have paid to Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours, or any other costs incurred by me as a result of being forced to leave the tour.
The decision of the tour leader is final and binding, including any decisions made by said leader to change the itinerary at short notice or suspend a member of my party or myself from the Tour and I will respect and comply with any such decision.
I am solely responsible for my possessions. Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours accepts no liability for any damages or loss of my property while taking part in the Tour.
Where I have requested to rent a motorcycle, I acknowledge that the motorcycle for this Tour is rented from a local third-party supplier under the terms and conditions of that third party. I understand that I am responsible for using the motorcycle in accordance to with the local rental agreement and that I have to pay for any damage caused to the motorcycle directly to the third-party supplier or not covered by your insurance.
I am required to comply with all statutory and legal requirements when participating in the Tour! Including but not limited to all road traffic and road laws.
I have provided emergency contact details to Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours and authorized Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours to contact that person(s) in the event of an emergency
In cases of emergency, I authorize Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours, their Tour Leader, employees, and agents as applicable to arrange any necessary medical treatments. I allow Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours to sign any required forms of consent on my behalf. I accept that I am responsible for reimbursing Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours any additional expense they incur on my behalf relating to my medical treatment or repatriation due to my injury, illness, or other medical condition.
I also expressly understand that I am under a duty to minimize any risks to myself as far as possible, by taking all reasonable steps to ensure my health and safety while on the tour. I accept full responsibility for these risks, and I agree that Ultimate Experience Motorcycle Tours, its employees and agents are released from any liability resulting from my injury or death or any loss of damage to my property suffered during the tour.